HOD Desk

HOD Desk

“You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.”

Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in year 2014. Department offers Bachelor of Engineering degree with an intake of 180 students. It has been affiliated to SavitribaiPhule Pune University, Pune. 

Practical knowledge is important aspect technical education. Our department consists of well-equipped laboratories required for practical conduction. Apart from that a separate CAD/CAM/CAE laboratory has been developed with various softwares. The department frequently organizes various Industrial visits, Seminars and Workshops for students. We are in the process of establishing tie-ups with various industries for transfer of technical knowledge and industrial projects. 

At this challenging and exciting time, I wish to reach out to all our faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends. I appreciate your continued support of our Mechanical Engineering Department. I would love to hear your ideas and opinions related to mechanical engineering in DYPCOE&I. Your input is always welcome and needed.


Head of Mechanical Engineering
E mail -Hod_mechanical@dypatilef.com
Contact : (0211)-4667927